Beautiful. Please keep this up.

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Tether, Celsius, FTX... they are all system driven trolls, deployed to play the role of alternative. Paid actors.

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Holy cow! I entered the space 6 months ago but the more I dig, the more it appears the space as a whole is big scam. Satoshi's vision has been compromised with human greed. It makes me more and more a maxi cos when your token has a CEO, you're screwed. To me it looks like Tether might be next given the progression of events. Great work appreciate!

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You're not alone. I feel the same. Crypto harms Bitcoin, and these two are not even close beeing the same. The purge will come and Bitcoin will eventualy prevail.

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Money laundering on Wall Street scale. Tether is next.

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Great investigative work, joining the dots. I remember Enron too well, watched crying Lehman employees filing out with boxes of belongings, look at commodities too - major frauds only now coming to light, mega fines. International trading of anything there’s always huge fraud, only positive about blockchain is the ledger can’t be changed, exists forever. But people with dodgy intent will always find a way. Fascinating! (Ex newswire financial reporter)

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Sooooo how long before Tether is done for? And would the end of Tether signal the end of the current down cycle or are there more "whales" that will unravel?

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Great job. Thx.

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great article!

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