Barney Frank is a conman and no one should be surprised he’s involved in CraptoCurrency. That guy should have been thrown in jail for blocking attempts to regulate the housing market back in the early 2000s. Everything that guy touches is a financial disaster.
"Conclusions: No conspiracies needed to explain the seizure of Signature Bank"
Nice article, well researched and written. You laid your case out well, and I can't disagree with your conclusion.
I would only add that just because no conspiracies are needed, doesn't mean they can't/don't exist. It struck me that much like you've been gathering data on SBNY for quite some time, folks like @nic_carter and @CaitlinLong_ have been gathering data on this "Chokepoint 2.0" idea for some time as well, with many data points to support it. These "crypto conspiracy theorists" did not just come up with this idea with the fall of SBNY. Just another data point.
Anyway, I'm probably quibbling over something you don't care about, so keep up the good work exposing the scammers! BTW, I agree 99% of "crypto" is comprised of crayon eating, window licking scammers. Unfortunately, the implications of a "Chokepoint 2.0" also apply to those of us who support #Bitcoin only companies/services, and full reserve banking models.
Barney Frank is a conman and no one should be surprised he’s involved in CraptoCurrency. That guy should have been thrown in jail for blocking attempts to regulate the housing market back in the early 2000s. Everything that guy touches is a financial disaster.
Excellent reporting. Fascinating graph. Barney Frank drank the crypto kool aid.
Best SVB summary is at this link. It's the 2008 playbook, the chumps pay the bill for the insider elites to buy that second private island:
"Conclusions: No conspiracies needed to explain the seizure of Signature Bank"
Nice article, well researched and written. You laid your case out well, and I can't disagree with your conclusion.
I would only add that just because no conspiracies are needed, doesn't mean they can't/don't exist. It struck me that much like you've been gathering data on SBNY for quite some time, folks like @nic_carter and @CaitlinLong_ have been gathering data on this "Chokepoint 2.0" idea for some time as well, with many data points to support it. These "crypto conspiracy theorists" did not just come up with this idea with the fall of SBNY. Just another data point.
Anyway, I'm probably quibbling over something you don't care about, so keep up the good work exposing the scammers! BTW, I agree 99% of "crypto" is comprised of crayon eating, window licking scammers. Unfortunately, the implications of a "Chokepoint 2.0" also apply to those of us who support #Bitcoin only companies/services, and full reserve banking models.
Silvergate, Signature, Silicon Valley, Signet. All sound kind of alike- just saying....
Privatize gains, socialize losses. People who are really paying the taxes will get a belly full at some point.
Sheep never do anything but line up for the same ol' fleecing.
Only the President and his friends/family are allowed to get dirty money.